In B2B marketing, a key priority for every marketer is to enhance B2B lead generation. However, in today’s era of growth marketing, possessing top-notch lead-generation tools is insufficient. Marketers must embrace B2B content syndication services, allowing them to seize every B2B opportunity.
In this context, businesses must particularly pay attention to B2B content syndication. It helps enhance your website’s visibility on search engines and fills your sales funnel with high-quality leads.
Yet, what exactly does content syndication entail, and what significance does it hold for B2B enterprises?
What is content syndication?
In plain terms, B2B content syndication is the process of republishing your content on other websites and third-party platforms to reach new target audiences and direct that traffic to your website. The content can be in the form of articles, whitepapers, case studies, webinars, or blog posts. This technique helps promote brands, build links, attract more readers, and boost ROI.
When appropriately done, this cost-effective B2B marketing strategy can help companies:
- Enhance brand awareness
- Get good quality backlinks for your website
- Increase website authority
- Build customer loyalty
- Improve SEO performance
- Get qualified leads
Tips for effective B2B content syndication marketing
Building a super-effective best content syndication platform is not everyone’s cup of tea. Only a few taste success because content syndication takes time. Here are a few tips on how to crack the code to get your B2B business high up in the market –
Establish your goals
The need to establish realistic goals before launching a marketing strategy needs no elaboration. The same is the case with content syndication. Undoubtedly, the primary purpose of content syndication is to reach more readers and give them something interesting so that they click on the syndication channel to reach your website for more relevant content.
Content syndication helps expand your reach and establish your credibility and expertise with a larger audience.
But at first, priorities must be set. Ask yourself what your brand aims to achieve from this content syndication strategy. For example, is it to enhance brand awareness, increase traffic, or boost SEO performance? Set a clear goal so you can build your plan that way.
Create relevant and valuable content
The name suggests that content syndication entirely depends on the content you create. Likewise, content syndication is worthless without valuable content. Unique content is at the heart of content syndication; it helps establish credibility, creates smooth user experiences, and encourages users to read more.
Good content will help you attract more audiences in a limited time, thus projecting a positive impression of your brand.
Fixate your target audience
Target audience is classified as those people or groups most likely to become your customers; hence, all marketing initiatives are directed toward them. An essential step towards content syndication is defining and choosing your target audience to succeed.
Find answers to crucial questions like Who are those who would read your content? Who else would be interested in reading your content? This planning is essential at the initial stage as it helps you create content that would appeal to them.
There are readily available tools that help you quickly identify your target audience. If you’re availing content syndication services from a provider, there are chances that they will give you access to such tools.
Select the right platforms
When you are set with your goals, target audience identification, and content, the next step is to evaluate which content syndication platform will be perfect for you. The first step is to consider the platforms on which your audience is most active. Not every web-using person is your audience, and your audiences will not be on every available platform.
Moreover, you need to search for platforms that cater to a similar audience to yours. Check out the websites that cater to the same niche as yours so that you know the audience will be definitely interested in your content.
It’s best to understand the ranking of their website and the editorial guidelines, if any. Last but not least, you need to check your syndicate partner’s preferred content type, style, and tone. One pro tip is to consider platforms with the same or higher domain authority and not to put all your efforts in one basket (distribute across multiple platforms).
Frequently measure and review
Every marketing personnel measures and analyzes the performance of the marketing campaigns to gauge how well they are performing. In a similar vein, it’s essential to measure and analyze your content syndication campaigns to identify loopholes and understand the best ways they can perform. It becomes easier to track whether you’re meeting your goals and accordingly make changes to future strategies.
Whether you are looking to generate more traffic or backlinks, an analysis will help you understand how far you are from your goals. For example, you need to measure your leads’ cost, volume, and quality. You also need to keep an eye on which platform worked the best for you, have the newly generated leads met your expectations, and how your content performs among the new audiences.
Wrapping it up
Now that you know all the hacks to promote your content through content syndication, it’s time to put some extra time and effort to excel in it. A pro tip will be to use numerous content syndication platforms/networks to expand the reach of your content. Also, try syndicating with different types of content – text, visual, audio, and video.
Have you ever used web content syndication as a marketing strategy? If so, what results have you achieved so far? In case you need any help to boost your brand’s reach, feel free to speak to our experts about our content syndication services. Contact us here.