B2B Content Syndication Mistakes to be Avoided | Binary Demand

B2B Content Syndication Mistakes to be Avoided

By Binary Demand - Last Updated on May 9, 2023

B2B Content syndication is one of the simplest and quickest ways for enterprises to grow their businesses and share their content with hundreds of new clients. With the help of this practice, companies can publish and market information about their products or services on other websites, blogs, and social media platforms.

If executed the right way, B2B content syndication solutions may be advantageous for both businesses and customers. The increased exposure to pertinent information on popular topics can benefit consumers.

Several B2B marketers do not adequately apply their content syndication plans. They are unable to build a reputation and reach a larger audience than their website can offer due to falling prey to the most common content syndication mistakes. They not only waste time and money but also struggle to compel an audience to check the solutions and services they have to offer.

Here, you will get to comprehend and assess the common content syndication mistakes in B2B domain that most organizations make frequently but struggle to find a way out. You might find a few errors you’ve been committing and also the way to resolve them.

In this article

B2B Content Syndication Mistakes

B2B Content syndication is crucial for driving sales and augmenting lead generation in B2B. However, the following commonly observed mistakes obstruct the efforts of companies and affect the conversion rate.  Of all the mistakes mentioned below, you can spot the ones that you commit often and accordingly devise a strategy to get rid of them for soothing marketing operations.

1) Lack of a Proper Content Marketing Strategy

B2B organizations’ first error is failing to implement a content marketing plan. It is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts without a plan. Also, you won’t be aware of the content categories that work the best or the content that should be repurposed.

You may choose which subjects to cover, how frequently to post the content, and what kind of format will most appeal to your audience by following content syndication marketing tips.

2) Not Keeping it Consistent

By syndicating information, several B2B companies don’t maintain consistency. For one kind of content, they might utilize one B2B content syndication service and totally different for another.

Re-syndicating information that has previously been published elsewhere is a time-consuming and simple method to lose credibility with your target audience. Consistency is necessary for a content syndication plan to be successful; else, it will fail.

3) Lacking Real Data for Content Creation

Not using genuine data when writing content is another typical error. You may believe you understand what your customers want, but how can you be sure if you aren’t employing concrete data from surveys or other research techniques? Facts will assist you in producing more pertinent and engaging content that will connect with readers more effectively than any amount of conjecture ever could.

4) No Dedicated Team for Content Syndication

Many B2B organizations approach content syndication with inadequate resources. They can have a single individual who controls their website content and all of their social media profiles. This is a mistake, as you need a committed workforce that is aware of your company’s goals and is skilled at constantly producing relevant and engaging content.

5) Rushing into Sharing Content

You might misstep by being overly insistent on getting your content shared. But first, you need to be sure the content is worth sharing. Nobody will want to share your material if you’re not prepared to put in the effort and produce quality work. Publishing high-quality material will prevent people from associating your business with spammers or those who break their business commitments.

6) Not Making Use of Data Analytics

Most companies aren’t aware of this B2B content syndication mistake. It might be challenging to determine what is and isn’t working with content syndication because many B2B organizations don’t have any metrics set up for measuring their efforts. Without data, you can’t determine what kinds of emails are most effective or what topics are most popular with your readership.

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Also, if you aren’t monitoring the conversion or engagement rates for each piece of content, you won’t ever be able to determine whether investing additional time in that particular topic or style is worthwhile. Analytics solutions like Google Analytics can be used to fix or prevent this error. It is always recommended to use data analytics for content syndication.

7) Not Monitoring Results from Syndicated Content

Your syndicated campaigns should be tracked in every aspect, including what works and what doesn’t, where traffic is coming from, and who clicks the links. Future decisions regarding where to position links and what kind of material is most effective for each audience segment or industry vertical will be influenced by this knowledge.

8) Not Adhering to a Content Calendar

The frequency of updating or adding new content to the directory sites where you are placing your syndicated links must be planned out if you want to use content syndication efficiently. Links won’t serve any purpose if you don’t update frequently enough; they’ll only become outdated and of no use to anyone.

9) Indefinite CTAs

Make sure the call-to-action is clear and actionable if you want people to visit your website after seeing it on another website. Tell readers what to do next; don’t leave it up to them to figure it out. This entails utilizing simple language that makes it plain for readers what they need to do and where to go next. Include actions such as ‘follow us,’ ‘subscribe today,’ or other engaging calls.

10) Not Using Marketing Automation

Tools for marketing automation can streamline, accelerate, and facilitate tracking. It’s something that is strongly advised. Additionally, automation can help your marketing staff save time on monotonous tasks like email personalization and scheduling.

Also, automating makes lead scoring easier, improves your nurturing process, and saves salespeople a lot of time and efforts. The automated platform manages tracking and KPIs, so you can log in anytime to see if your nurture sequence is optimized or needs to be adjusted.

11) Inconsistent Communication

If you interact with prospects inconsistently, they will stop being interested in your content. Of course, this does not imply that you should continuously barrage them with messages, but you should make sure that everything you offer them is pertinent and helpful.

Communication about the nurturing sequence must find the proper balance. Potential clients may become irritated and unsubscribe if you approach them too frequently. They might forget about you right when they’re ready to buy if you don’t stay in touch with them.

12) Putting All Eggs in One Basket

Multiple publisher management can be a difficult and time-consuming undertaking. Many marketers severely restrict the number of partners they work with since every publisher adds time and confusion. After they locate a compatible pair, they continue to work with them throughout the time. But this might not be helpful.

It is critical to diversify your B2B content syndication platforms so that you are not just reliant on one. This way, if one channel fails, you still have others to fall back on. So, it’s best to avoid syndicating through a single platform or network.

13) No Considerations Regarding Revenue

Never in a million years should the marketing department forget to discuss revenues with the B2B commerce teams. The most effective discussions should include both profits and expenses as topics of discussion for all parties. Costs should always be transparent, and the work’s quality should rise.

Because the margins are unknown, the marketing teams make the mistake of concentrating on revenues and ignoring product content syndication. Due to expenses that the appropriate parties may not understand, this error could cost the organization money. The companies should be aware of when a sale is made as well as how the business transaction went, as their errors might have a big impact on salaries or commissions.

14) Executing Short-term Campaigns Instead of a Prolonged Strategy

Do you only consume food when you are utterly ravenous? Your body should be properly fueled on a regular basis to keep it primed and performing at its best. The same is true for your demand engine; in order to maintain the rest of the pipeline working at full capacity, you should constantly fill the top of the funnel.

Additionally, you can never be certain if your potential customers are in a buying cycle. You can make educated guesses based on fiscal cycles, but what if a new leader enters the scene to mix things up unexpectedly if a merger or acquisition takes place? The point is that if your third-party demand engine is constantly active, it will capture those customers anytime they are searching for a solution.

Right Way of Syndication

You must consider every area of your business for the most efficient content syndication technique before choosing the best course of action. How do you ensure that your efforts will be worthwhile?

The correct way of integrating B2B content syndication services involves setting concrete syndication objectives, repurposing the existing content, tracking the performance, maintaining the uniqueness of syndicated material, and improving SEO and social media marketing.


The use of content syndication can be very advantageous for B2B marketers. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to carry it out properly. If you want to begin a B2B content syndication campaign, avoid making the above-mentioned mistakes.

A low-cost and scalable strategy for generating top-of-funnel leads is content syndication. Although there is no one way to syndicate information successfully, the optimal way to achieve your syndication goals will probably differ depending on a number of factors.

We can assist you if you’re seeking a content syndication service to aid with your initiatives. Contact Binary Demand right away.